Nusrat Binta Nizam/Dr Ashley Beecy - Week 8

  07/22/24 - 07/26/24 Week 8:

This week has been quite eventful and productive. On Tuesday, I delivered my summer immersion presentation, summarizing the work I've done over the past few months. The presentation went well, and I received valuable feedback from the audience.

Following the presentation, I had an in-depth meeting with Dr. Beecy to discuss my progress on the amyloid project. We reviewed the results of my experiments so far and brainstormed future directions for the research. Dr. Beecy provided insightful feedback and suggestions, which I plan to incorporate into my next steps.

I also had multiple meetings with the data team to ensure we have all the necessary data for our ongoing and future experiments. I provided them with detailed specifications and requirements, and we discussed strategies for efficient data management and analysis. These meetings were important for aligning our efforts and ensuring that we have a solid data foundation for our research.

Additionally, I met with my PI, Professor Mert Sabuncu, to discuss my immersion project and outline the future directions. We had a comprehensive discussion about the project’s goals, the methodologies I’m employing, and the timeline for upcoming milestones. Professor Sabuncu’s guidance helped me refine my approach and solidify a concrete plan moving forward.

With these meetings and feedback, I am now focused on conducting further experiments, organizing my results systematically, and exploring the data with the aim of preparing a publication. The process of synthesizing the data and drawing meaningful conclusions is both challenging and exciting.

Overall, this summer has been an incredibly enriching experience. I have learned a great deal, not only about the technical aspects of my project but also about effective collaboration and communication within a research team. I’m looking forward to continuing this work and contributing to the field with my findings.


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