Cory Knox - Dr. Liston - Wk8

My final week at immersion consisted of wrapping up surgeries with Shane, analyzing the data collected from the pilot Novelty Induced Hypophagia study, presenting my work amongst my peers and the immersion administration, and going to some of my final NYC bucket list locations. 

The surgeries all went well and I was able to help Shane set up for his last few behavioral studies needed for the supplementary figures in his upcoming publication. We found that our pilot study was only effective on male mice, so 15 more males had to undergo fiber optic implantation to generate a well powered assay for later on. I am very thankful to Shane for teaching me so much this summer.

The presentation also went well. It was interesting to see what my peers were doing this summer and I was excited to share the experiments that Shane and I had been working on. 

I was also able to use the final week as a chance to visit some places in NYC that I had put off. It was very fun going to the Bronx zoo with friends - highly recommend for future immersion-ers. The bears and rhinos were my favorite.

I concluded the week with a summer immersion group dinner. It was great to learn more about the people who make immersion happen and to learn more about them beyond work. 


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