Josette Vigil//Dr. Scott Rodeo//Week 7

This week I presented my summer immersion YAP/TAZ in vitro research as one of the final program deliverables. Additionally, I worked with the Rodeo lab manager to start the next phase of the YAP study. We ensured tenocyte viability, cultured the cells, then placed them in a Flexcell in vitro model where they were formed into a ribbon-shaped tendon. Once the constructs were properly developed, we put the tendons under 10% strain. Then, the midsubstance of the tendon constructs was harvested and frozen for qPCR. This will determine if inflammatory markers (such as DDR2) are present, simulating injury. Some of the tendon constructs were not loaded, in order to provide controls. Once this model is validated, another YAP inhibition experimental group will assess whether or not YAP inhibition has an effect on the landscape of "injured" tendon constructs. 


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