Josette Vigil - Dr. Scott Rodeo - Week 6

This week I continued to shadow laboratory work, while gearing up for my final immersion presentation. I learned how to use imaging software to analyze relevant tendon tissue, identified different cell types in tendon, and read about different immunohistochemistry analysis metrics. I also helped members of the Rodeo lab analyze some slides, and discussed dissection methods we use in Ithaca to help students that haven't studied the patellar tendon. It's been really interesting to see how the Rodeo lab assesses tendon health, and I've learned a lot of new methods that I can translate to my research back in Ithaca. 

This week, I also learned more about the yes-associated protein tendon inhibition study I have been primarily focused on. Specifically, the initial experimental RNA sequencing results for tendon constructs strained at 4% were analyzed and new experimental plans were mapped out based on those results. I am excited to see the in vitro tendon constructs develop over the final couple weeks of immersion, it will be a really unique experience to see how to use unique in vitro setups.  


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