Harry Zou - Week 7
This week had a mix of research work and also clinical shadowing. In terms of research, I started work on the next two batches of Mtb rif-mutants which was almost 50 samples. I went through the same protocol that I refined and described previously; extracting gDNA from the samples, amplifying the rpoB gene through PCR and then cleaning up the PCR products (with some Nanodrop and QuBit quantification steps in between). I aim to sequence these samples and analyze the subsequent data next week.
I also shadowed Dr. Schwartz in the OR with Jack where he and his team performed a stereotaxic implantation of electrodes to treat the patient's epilepsy. The surgery started with calibrating the Rosa robot to the patient's head, and then it used a laser to point out implantation sites for the team to mark. The process consisted of using a scalpel to create an opening for a lead and cap to be inserted into, allowing a thin drill to drill deep into the patient's brain. Finally, an electric wire is led into the drill hole and tightened by the cap. The team implanted 8 electrodes in total and there seemed to be a minor cable complication at the end.
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