Chelsea Loh - Dr. Johnathan Weinsaft - Week 6

Week 6

July 8-12

I spent my time this week in the lab and in the OR. I observed a skin graft retrieval from the upper right thigh. The graft was used to reconstruct the upper left arm after amputation. The operation was split into two teams. One team focused on the debridement of the left arm, the other team focused on the skin grafts on the right leg. The doctors used an electric blade to retrieve the skin grafts. It looked like a large razor that had one blade. The blade was pressed down to the skin at an angle to shave off some layers of skin. The graft had a rectangular shape and was quickly put into solution to keep it hydrated. From my position in the OR, I was not able to see the debridement of the amputation site or the tissue transfer. 

The rest of my time was spent in the lab where I am still continuing on quantifying the extracellular volume of cardiac MRI data. Next week I hope to spend more time in the lab and shadow in the Electrophysiology lab. I will also be preparing a short presentation for our weekly Tuesday meetings about my clinical research and experience. 


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