Shufan "Vikki" Yin_Dr. Babak Mehrara_Week4

 Week 4

On Monday, we performed a flow cytometry for mice tail skin cells. The groups were wild type mice and mast cell knockout mice. Mice were sacrificed and we collected blood from their hearts for later measurement of inflammation cytokines. We collected pieces of mice tail skin for western blot, PCR, and flow cytometry. We also used bright field microscope and hemocytometer to count cells. We used antibodies to stain for mast cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts in samples.

On Tuesday, we prepared for another flow cytometry for mice spleen cells. The mixture of spleen cells were collected from wild type and PTEN knockout mice and cultured. The supernatant in media were collected for ELISA. We stained the cells for IL-4, CD3, CD4, and IFN-a. On Tuesday, I also shadowed harvesting pancreatic tumor from mice. 

On Wednesday, we repeated a western blot for 50% and 100% HUVEC and LEC. We also collected HUVEC and LEC for RNA sequencing. I also did literature review for correlation between socioeconomic status and lymphedema development after breast cancer treatment.

On Thursday, I learned gating strategy for flow cytometry data analysis. I practiced analyzing the flow cytometry (Monday) data of mice tail skin cells. The mast cell knock out group demonstrated less mast cells. On Friday, I participated the lab meeting on zoom to learn about the project progress and future experimental plan.

To summarize, this week was mainly lab focused and I learned a lot of in vivo experimental techniques as well as data analysis strategies.


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