India Dykes - Dr. Spector - Week 3

This week I worked on converting the Spector lab Prusa printer into a 3D bioprinter. I also did maintenance on the Ender printer in the lab in order to use it to create parts for the bioprinter conversion. The bioprinter conversion requires making many new 3D printed plastic parts as well as purchasing machined parts, so I put together a parts list and I will need to customize the designs for the printed parts. I also researched the firmware upgrade and I am in the process of customizing the firmware for the bioprinter.

On Thursday Julia and I shadowed in the clinic and observed the follow-up appointment for the patient that had a radial arm flap surgery for tongue reconstruction. The patient was healing very well and it was interesting to see the results of such a complex surgery. We also saw several follow ups that Dr. Spector had with patients he had done spine closure surgery on a few days previous.

We also coordinated with a medical student to collect bone marrow aspirate concentrate from Dr. Hartl's spine surgery. I observed the collection process from the patient, transferred a portion to bring back to the lab and brought it back to another researcher to be analyzed with flow cytometry. Unfortunately, I was not able to stay and watch this process but I am hoping to in the future.


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