Haoyang Du - Dr. Theodore Schwartz - Week3

In the third week of summer immersion, the focus of my work is gradually shifting from watching surgeries in OR to observing more experiments in the lab. I went to the OR on Thursday to shadow Dr. Schwartz on the surgeries. It was a busy day as there were two surgeries happening in the morning. The first surgery I spend most of my time watching was the endoscopic pituitary tumor removal surgery. It was mainly Dr. Schwartz's residents who performed the surgery. The patients was put into sleep and an endoscope is placed in through the nasal cavity of the patient. The muscle/endothelial tissue was removed at the end of the nasal cavity to expose the bottom of the skull. Part of the cartilage between the left and the right side of the nasal cavity was removed to provide a larger area for optical/ surgical access. A craniotomy was then performed on the bone below the pituitary gland to expose the dura. The surgeon then cut open the dura to remove the tumor tissue. Removed tumor tissue was then quickly sent out for frozen biopsy. The second surgery was a brain tumor removal with open craniotomy, in which part of the patient's skull bone flap was taken out to expose the cortex and to remove the tumor. I then went with Dr. Schwartz to check on a few patients who have surgeries performed on them the week before. It is a really different environment considering the communication of the science and the pathology. When communicating with the patient, I noticed that Dr. Schwartz tried to make the information easier to understand and to provide as much emotional support to his patient. 

In the research lab, I have been working with the post doc in Dr. Schwartz lab to study the propagation of the seizure in mouse. I have watched a few experiment in which part of the brain was ablated with heat to stop the progression of the seizure. I was also able to see the EEG recording on the mice from another lab to study the change in EEG in mouse model for Timothy syndromes. I have also started to do craniotomies with PDMS window implants to prepare mouse for imaging studies. 


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